江西的制瓷业历史悠久,史籍记载,“新平冶陶,始于汉世”,可见早在汉代这里就开始生产陶瓷了。宋景德元年(1004年),宫廷诏令烧制御瓷,底款皆署“景德年制”,景德镇由此得名。元至明清历代皇帝都派官员到景德镇监制宫廷用瓷,设瓷局、置御窑, 景德镇成为中外驰名的瓷都。除了景德镇官窑以外,江西各地还散布着许多民窑窑场。主要的民窑窑址除景德镇窑外,还有洪州窑、白舍窑、七里镇窑、乐平窑、吉州窑、白浒
Jiangxi porcelain industry has a long history, historical records, “the new Pingye Tao, began in the Han World”, we can see that as early as the Han Dynasty began to produce ceramic here. The first year of Song Jingde (1004), imperial imperial edict burning porcelain, the end of the Department are deployed “Jingde years”, hence the name of Jingdezhen. Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and Qing dynasties emperors have sent officials to the Jingdezhen producer palace with porcelain, porcelain set, set Imperial kiln, Jingdezhen became China and foreign well-known porcelain. In addition to Jingdezhen Guan kiln, Jiangxi also scattered throughout many civil kilns kilns. In addition to the main kiln kilns outside Jingdezhen kiln, there are Hongzhou kiln, white homes kiln, Qili town kiln, Leping kiln, Jizhou kiln, Whitefish