1例27岁女性患者自行服用氨氯地平(5 mg/片)42片3,0 min后出现头晕、反复呕吐,BP为73/41 mm Hg。给予补液和多巴胺静脉泵入提升血压。入院第2天患者15 h尿量仅200 mL,其BUN和SCr分别为12.4 mmol/L和158μmol/L,并出现胸闷、气短,SpO2 92%,颜面水肿。超声检查示胸腹部大量积水,遂行胸腔引流术放出胸腔积液以减轻心、肺压迫症状。入院第3天其ALT和AST分别为117 U/L和89 U/L。第5天开始患者出现多尿,达平均4000 mL/d,血钾由3.4 mmol/L降到2.5 mmol/L,给予补钾。第7天患者尿量恢复正常,血钾升至3.45 mmol/L。患者住院11 d,痊愈出院。
A 27-year-old female patient took a dose of amlodipine (5 mg / tablet) 42 for 3 minutes and then became dizzy and vomited repeatedly. BP was 73/41 mm Hg. Give rehydration and dopamine pump to boost blood pressure. On the second day after admission, the urine volume was only 200 mL at 15 h. The BUN and SCr were 12.4 mmol / L and 158 μmol / L respectively. Chest tightness, shortness of breath, 92% SpO2 and facial edema were observed. Ultrasonography showed a lot of water in the chest and abdomen, performed chest drainage drainage pleural effusion to relieve heart and lung compression symptoms. On day 3 of admission, the ALT and AST were 117 U / L and 89 U / L, respectively. On the fifth day, the patient started to have polyuria, with an average of 4000 mL / d. The potassium level was reduced from 3.4 mmol / L to 2.5 mmol / L, and potassium was given. Urine volume returned to normal on day 7 with a rise in serum potassium to 3.45 mmol / L. Patients were hospitalized for 11 days and were discharged.