Modulation of Isoflavones on Bone-nodule Formation in Rat Calvaria Osteoblasts in vitro

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Objective To observe the effects of two main isoflavones, daidzein and genistein on the bone-nodule formation in rat calvaria osteoblasts in vitro. Methods Osteoblasts obtained from newborn Sprague-dawley rat calvarias were cultured for several generations. The second generation cells were cultured in Minimum Essential Medium supplemented with ascorbic acid and Na-beta-glycerophosphate for several days, in the presence of daidzein and genistein, with or without the estrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182780. Number of nodules was counted at the end of the incubation period (day 20) by staining with Alizarin Red S calcium stain. The release of osteocalcin, as a marker of osteoblast activity, was also determined on day 7 and day 12 during the incubation period. Results Compared with the control, the numbers of nodules were both increased by incubation with daidzein and genistein. 17β-estradiol was used as a positive control and proved to be a more effective inducer of the increase in bone-nodules formation Objective To observe the effects of two main isoflavones, daidzein and genistein on the bone-nodule formation in rat calvaria osteoblasts in vitro. Methods Osteoblasts obtained from newborn Sprague-dawley rat calvarias were cultured for several generations. The second generation cells were cultured in Minimum Essential Medium supplemented with ascorbic acid and Na-beta-glycerophosphate for several days, in the presence of daidzein and genistein, with or without the estrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182780. Number of nodules was counted at the end of the incubation period (day 20) by staining with Alizarin Red S calcium stain. The release of osteocalcin, as a marker of osteoblast activity, was also determined on day 7 and day 12 during the incubation period. Results Compared with the control, the numbers of nodules were both increased by incubation with daidzein and genistein. 17β-estradiol was used as a positive control and proved to be a more effective inducer of the increase in bone- nodules formation
2006年,从人力资源劳务输出起家的万忠转向家政行业,创办了山东大嫂家政服务中心。在济南,他最早向深圳等南方地区输送家政人员,创出“山东大嫂”的品牌,也是最早对月嫂进行培训的从业人员。  在他看来,好月嫂不仅要掌握育婴技能,更要有职业意识和责任感。他在国学和心理学探索中,寻找培养好月嫂的方法。  “山东大嫂”深圳掘金  2005年,万忠辞去外企工作,与妻子一起创立万家盛世人力资源公司。  创业之路
<正> 出血是内科常见的症状,每需及时处治。临床上处理出血的方法,除压迫及外科止血外一般多采用止血剂。常用的止血剂有克洛晶、仙鹤草素、脑垂体后叶素及维生素子等。这些
摘 要:本文设计以番石榴叶为原料,通过正交试验分别确定乙醇浸提法和微波萃提取法的最佳提取工艺条件。再对该两种方法提取番石榴叶总黄酮的得率进行比较研究。结果表明:乙醇浸提最佳工艺条件为乙醇浓度60%,料液比为1:15,时间为50min,提取在温度60℃下恒温进行,总黄酮得率可达5.54%;微波萃取最佳提取工艺条件为乙醇浓度60%,料液比1:20,时间为50s,提取功率为中低火,总黄酮得率可达6.0
中国科学家已成功克隆SARS病毒的 6个主要蛋白基因 ,完成SARS病毒中 3个主要蛋白的表达。这是继SARS病毒分离成功和病毒全基因组测序成功之后 ,科学家对SARS病毒研究取得的又