一位经济学家说过:“质量问题也是道德问题。”寥寥数言,一针见血,揭示了事物的本质,振聋发聩!他告诉人们:作为企业生命的产品质量,除了要有优质的原料、过硬的技术设备、良好的管理以外,还有一个重要的不可忽视的问题——职业道德。 据报载,某企业设备先进,技术过硬,产品很受欢迎。但是,有一次产品被用户退了回来,原因是废品。经过调查,原来是一个工人在生产这种产品时故意做
An economist once said: “The quality problem is also an ethical issue.” Only a handful of words and insights have revealed the essence of things and have been deafening. He told people that the quality of products as an enterprise's life requires not only good raw materials but also excellent Technology and equipment, good management, there is an important issue that can not be ignored - professional ethics. According to reports, an enterprise advanced equipment, excellent technology, the product is very popular. However, once the product was returned by the user, the reason is scrap. After investigation, it turned out to be a worker who deliberately made the product