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从抽象上升到具体,如同“种子”发芽、成长、结果一样,是事物自己否定自己、自己完善自己、自己发展自己的前进运动过程,是“发展”的普遍形式。社会主义的发展,以及我们对社会主义的认识,也是一个从抽象上升到具体的过程。坚持唯物辩证法的这一观点,就要把社会主义看作是“经常变化和改革的社会”,是分阶段、有步骤、循序前进的有规律的发展过程,就要始终坚持我国社会主义的“开端”,即共产党领导的以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政、以生产资料公有制为基础的社会主义制度和马克思主义在整个国家生活中的指导地位。 From abstraction to concreteness, just as “seed” germinates, grows, and produces the same result, it is the universal form of “development” that things themselves negate themselves, improve themselves themselves and develop their own forward movement. The development of socialism and our understanding of socialism are also a process from abstract to concrete. To uphold this view of materialist dialectics, we must regard socialism as a “society that is constantly changing and reforming” and a step-by-step, step-by-step and regularly proceeding process of development. We must always adhere to the principle of " The beginning of the Communist Party, that is, the people’s democratic dictatorship based on the alliance of workers and peasants led by the Communist Party, the socialist system based on the public ownership of the means of production, and the guiding position of Marxism throughout the country.
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