本文总结机载雷达中单脉冲技术的研究和应用,着重讨论幅度比较系统的关键技术,给出有关数据。 机载雷达中的单脉冲技术着眼于抗干扰性能和特殊应用。这些应用包括空对地测距、角分辨力改进、地形防撞。本文阐述了这些特殊应用。
This paper summarizes the research and application of single pulse technology in airborne radars, and emphatically discusses the key techniques of the system of amplitude, and gives the relevant data. The single pulse technology in airborne radars focuses on noise immunity and special applications. These applications include air-to-ground ranging, improved angular resolution, and terrain collision avoidance. This article explains these special applications.