《天演论》是中国近代史上影响既深且广的一部译作。“自严氏书出,而物竞天择之理厘然当于人心,而中国民气为之一变”,胡汉民对《天演论》这一评价,是切实中肯的。迄今为止,史学界对《天演论》的研究还很不够,以至于一些错误的、似是而非的说法仍在一些论著中流行。如严复翻译的是赫胥黎《进化论与伦理学》(Evolution and Ethics)全部,而一些论著却说是一部分;《天演论》中有不少段落系严复所撰
“Evolution and Ethics” is a translation widely and profoundly influenced by modern Chinese history. “Since Yan’s book was published, the principle of natural selection is certainly in the heart of the people, while the change of Chinese style of change is one of them.” Hu’s comment on “Evolution and Ethics” is indeed fair. So far, the study of the theory of “Evolution and Ethics” has not been sufficiently studied by historical scholars that some erroneous and plausible statements are still popular in some works. For example, Yan Fu translated Huxley’s “Evolution and Ethics” (Evolution and Ethics) all, while some treatises are said to be part of “Evolution and Ethics,” there are a lot of passages Yanfu made