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小学生学习语文的最初阶段,主要是通过听说读写的学习,逐步发展智力,提高认知能力,培养情境意识。其中,读是较为关键的学习环节,通过阅读、熟记来理解文字的内涵,不仅有助于学生积累素材,培养语感,体验品味,情感投入,达到语文熏陶感染、潜移默化的目的,更能体现正确的价值观导向,激发学生对祖国的热爱。在阅读训练中,注意创情境更有助于激活学生的思维与想象力,对学生的语言发展、逻辑思维水平和创造力都是不可忽视的。 The primary stage of pupils learning Chinese is mainly through the study of listening, speaking, reading and writing, which gradually develops their intelligence, enhances their cognitive abilities and fosters situational awareness. Among them, the reading is the more crucial part of the study, through reading, memorizing to understand the meaning of the text, not only helps students to accumulate material, cultivate language sense, taste, emotional input, to achieve the purpose of language infection, imperceptible, better reflect The correct values-oriented, to stimulate student love of the motherland. In reading training, pay attention to creating a situation is more conducive to the activation of students ’thinking and imagination, which can not ignore the students’ language development, logical thinking and creativity.
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