一 18世纪的埃及,人口稀少,是一个由24个贝伊割据的封建国家,它与法国只有规模不大的贸易关系。此时的法国,通过1789年爆发的大革命,资产阶级已经取得了统治权,1792年建立了法兰西共和国。1796年春,被大资产阶级看中的年轻将领波拿巴被任命为进攻意大利的统帅。1797年,他指挥法国军队在意大利战场上打败了奥地利,并迫使奥地利退出反法联盟。法军还从意大利掠走了大量黄金、钻石和艺术品。被这一胜利所鼓舞的波拿巴遂计划远征印度,夺取英国殖民地,他决定从袭击埃及开始。
A eighteenth century Egypt, sparsely populated, is a feudal state divided by 24 Bey, with only modest trade relations with France. At this time in France, through the Great Revolution that broke out in 1789, the bourgeoisie had already acquired the ruling power and the French Republic was established in 1792. In the spring of 1796, Bonaparte, a young general favored by the big bourgeoisie, was appointed commander in chief of the attack on Italy. In 1797 he directed the French army to defeat Austria in the battlefield of Italy and forced Austria to withdraw from the anti-French coalition. The French army also plundered large quantities of gold, diamonds and art from Italy. Bonaparte, inspired by the victory, planned to expedition to India to seize the British colony and decided to start his attack on Egypt.