1957年1月在印度新德里召开的国际防痨联合会第14届国际防痨会议上,G.Middle-brock 氏(美国),N.Rist,B.Kreis两氏(法国),E.Freerksen,G.Meissner两氏(德国),G.Eaddi,M,Luochesi两氏,(意大利),户田忠雄氏(日本),A.Manten氏(荷蘭),M.Nas-ta氏(罗马尼亚), P.Pardo 氏(西班牙),E.Tanner氏(瑞士),Tevfik I.Gokee,Ha-rika Ingez两氏(土耳其),W.McDermott氏(美国),报告了“关于耐异于肼结核菌的诊断学和生物学问题”,主要报告者是美国Mid-dlebrook博士。报告原文发表在第16卷第3-4期国际防痨
At the 14th International Conference on Defense of the International Federation of Ties held in January 1957 in New Delhi, India, G. Middleley-Brock (USA), N. Rist, B. Kreis (France), E. Freerksen, G. Meissner II (Germany), G. Eaddi, M. Luochesi II (Italy), Tadao Toda (Japan), A. Manten (Netherlands), M. Nas-Ta (Romania), P .Pardo (Spain), E.Tanner (Switzerland), Tevfik I.Gokee, Ha-rika Ingez II (Turkey), and W.McDermott (United States), report on the diagnosis of resistance to hydrazine- Learning and biology issues, "the main speaker is Dr. Mid-dlebrook from the United States. The original report is published in Volume 16, Issues 3-4 International Defense