目的对国家级寄生虫病预防控制机构的人才队伍十年发展情况进行评价,为构建精干高效的国家寄生虫病人才体系提供参考。方法收集2007-2016年国家寄生虫病预防控制机构每年在岗人员基本信息,建立数据库,分析10年间人力资源配置的数量、结构变化等情况。结果 2016年国家寄生虫病预防控制机构在编人员较2007年增加了6.25%,≤35岁以下人员所占比例为43.32%。2016年,拥有研究生学历者占59.36%,副高级及以上职称人员占37.97%,人员流入与流出差值为3.21%。结论十年来我国国家级寄生虫病预防控制机构人才队伍在结构和质量上总体呈现向好趋势,机构应进一步优化人力资源配置水平,加强自身能力建设,不断拓宽高素质人才引进渠道和手段,控制人才流失现象。
Objective To evaluate the ten-year development of the national team for the prevention and control of parasitic diseases and to provide a reference for building a capable and effective national talent-based system for parasitic diseases. Methods The basic information of the national parasitic diseases prevention and control institutions from 2007 to 2016 was collected and a database was established to analyze the quantity and structure changes of human resources allocation in 10 years. Results In 2016, the national parasitic disease prevention and control agency has an increase of 6.25% in number of staff in editing and 43.32% in those ≤35 years of age. In 2016, 59.36% hold postgraduate diplomas, 37.97% hold vice titles and above, and the difference between personnel inflow and outflow is 3.21%. Conclusion In the past ten years, the national team for prevention and control of parasitic diseases in our country has shown a general trend of structural and quality improvement. Organizations should further optimize the level of human resources allocation, strengthen their own capacity-building and constantly broaden the channels and means of introducing high-quality qualified personnel to control Talent loss phenomenon.