对于如何防范和化解金融风险,在日前结束的“首届中国货币和资本市场高级研讨会”上,有关专家认为,现阶段我国应采取现实可行的银证分业管理模式,即货币市场与资本市场完全分开,货币市场归人民银行管理,资本市场归证监会管理。这种管理模式在国外没有现成的经验可供参照和借鉴。 因此,迫切需要认真研究。贷币市场与
At the “First Advanced Seminar on Monetary and Capital Markets in China” concluded recently, relevant experts believe that at this stage China should adopt a realistic and feasible model for the management of bank-securities balances, namely, the money market and the capital market Completely separated, the money market is governed by the People’s Bank of China and the capital market is governed by the Securities and Futures Commission. This management model has no ready-made experience abroad for reference and reference. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study carefully. Money market and