【摘 要】
As the developing of the world education standard,a growing number of people begin to focus on how to cultivate children in the best way.Under that circumstance
As the developing of the world education standard,a growing number of people begin to focus on how to cultivate children in the best way.Under that circumstance,a new type of education becomes one of the most current topics for the educators.That is called home-schooling.Petrie(1993)defined that home schooling or home education means study at home teaching by their parents instead of going
As the developing of the world education standard, a growing number of people begin to focus on how to cultivate children in the best way .Under that circumstance, a new type of education becomes one of the most current topics for the educators.That is called home-schooling.Petrie (1993) defined that home schooling or home education means study at home teaching by their parents instead of going
【摘要】英语阅读教学非常重要,学生英语阅读能力的培养对于英语教学更是重中之重。英语阅读教学的内容主要包括阅读教学的培养目标和指导思想,阅读教学的目的任务和小学各年级的基本要求,阅读课的语言教学体系,阅读教学的原则和方法,学生阅读的心理、习惯和常规,课外阅读指导等。 【关键词】小学生 英语 阅读能力 教学探究 内涵 培养 一、英语阅读教学内涵 何谓英语阅读教学,又称“读文教学”,是知道学生阅读
I.The Factors of Sharp’s Progress Once you are alive,you will be influenced by numerous factors.During in those varied elements,social backgrounds,family envir
【摘要】在当今的教学中,合作学习是教学的新模式,在教学中采用合作的教学方法能够帮助学生建立和谐的同学关系,增强学生之间的交流沟通能力,对于学生的学习也有很积极的作用。基于此,本文对高中英语写作教学中合作学习法的有效应用作阐述。 【关键词】高中英语 写作教学 合作学习法 应用 目前,在高中英语教学过程中,对于写作教学还欠缺很多有效的方式,使得学生对写作产生厌倦的心理,有时候甚至害怕写作,根据这种
【摘要】俄狄浦斯是悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》的主人公,以亚里士多德为代表的一些学者认为其悲剧是由自身弱点和错误导致的,还有一些人认为命运才是根本成因。本文对以上两种观点进行分析,进一步探索俄狄浦斯悲剧的原因。 【关键词】俄狄浦斯 悲剧成因 亚里士多德 命运 【Abstract】Oedipus is the protagonist in Oedipus the King.Some scholars,re
【摘要】在信息网络飞速发展的今天,移动网络已经改变了我们的生产生活方式,作为尚处于学校生活的高中学生,有着强烈的探索欲和求知欲,网络世界正是满足我们需求的一种渠道。如何引导高中生正确使用移动网络,是一个亟待解决的问题,本文就移动网络下高中生的教育问题做出分析。 【关键词】网络文化 高中生 移动网络 影响 一、引言 随着移动网络技术的飞速发展,我国的互联网迈向了一个新的发展阶段,据互联网信息中
Rudyard Kipling is a prolific English writer. Although he is the most popular writer of his time,his literary reputation has followed an uneven course.Besides t