3月 6日 ,春光明媚 ,气候宜人。我校全体女教师在学校组织下 ,兴致勃勃地乘车前往风景名胜———七里山国家级森林公园。还没有进入公园牌坊 ,我们就被眼前的景色迷住了 :连绵的群山逶迤奔放 ,茫茫的林海翠绿如新 ,公路两边 ,古树参天 ,季竹丛丛 ,山花烂漫 ,沟壑纵横 ,泉水叮咚
March 6, the spring is bright, the climate is pleasant. All female teachers in our school are organized by the school, and am traveling with great interest to the scenic Qilishan National Forest Park. Have not yet entered the park arch, we were fascinated by the immediate scenery: rolling hills unrestrained, the vast forest of green as new, both sides of the road, towering old trees, bamboo bushes, mountain flowers, gully vertical and horizontal, springs ding dong