【摘 要】
Cardiomyocytes,also known as myocardial fibers,are the muscle cells which form the heart tissue.Previous studies have indicated that fetal mammalian cardiomyocy
【机 构】
Institute of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Learning Key Laboratory for Pharmacoproteomics, Hunan Provin
Cardiomyocytes,also known as myocardial fibers,are the muscle cells which form the heart tissue.Previous studies have indicated that fetal mammalian cardiomyocytes maintain the regeneration capacity,which promotes the fetal heart growth.Regardless of environment insults including nutrient deprivation,changes of blood flow,along with mechanical and volume loading [1],embryonic mammalian cardiac muscle cells are also related to robust proliferation response.
(一)神秘海报 “含优,你快跟我来,我发现了一件有趣的事情。” “瞧,就是这个!”李琦指了指张贴栏上的一张神秘海报,黑底的海报中间赫然出现一块不规则的白色图形,图形中间写着“who’s next”,海报右下方则有一行小字,“大胆发现,勇敢创新,掏空思维,创造奇迹!把你的小说放在操场附近的221B储物柜里,神秘大门就会开启,w先生期待你的作品。” “这是什么意思?”顾含优满脸疑惑地盯着李琦。
Antibiotics have been widely applied as effective agents for curing infectious diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria.However,the emergence of antibiotic resist
目的探讨丙戊酸钠对癫痫患儿血小板计数的影响。方法对51例服用不同剂量丙戊酸钠的已确诊癫痫患儿治疗前、治疗6个月后、治疗1 a后,分别检测血小板计数的变化,并与50例同期正
Among the five basic taste receptors of sweet,bitter,sour,salty,and umami,bitter receptors (TAS2Rs) are particularly important for animal survival because they
Lung cancer is the most prevalent cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide.More than 80% of lung cancer incidences are non-small cell lung
目的 探讨术中快速冰冻切片在乳腺病变病理诊断的临床意义及应用.方法 回顾分析东台市人民医院2006-01-2010-12 285例乳腺病变手术中快速冰冻切片的病理资料.结果 285例乳腺
DSM-5在DSM-Ⅳ中躯体形式障碍(SFD)的基础上提出了躯体症状障碍(SSD)作为新的诊断类目。与SFD相比,其核心变革包括:(1)不再要求躯体症状符合"医学难以解释"的标准;(2)增加针对躯体症状心理行为特征的阳性标准(B标准);(3)将疾病名称还原为现象学描述。目前已有DSM-5临床定式检查(SCID-Ⅴ)中的SSD诊断模块,患者健康问卷-15(PHQ-15),SSD B标准量表(SSD-
The relationship between vitamin D metabolic enzymes (CYP27A1,CYP27B1,and CYP24A1) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) in non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) development a