Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-computer combination techniques, the external stress factors such as hormones and wind damage stimulated the quality of heartwood produced by sandalwood. The results showed that the volatile oil content of 10-year-old sandalwood heartwood, which was stimulated with hormones for 2 years, was 2.34%, close to the level of 25-year-olds in the same place of origin. The content of sandalwood alcohol and various chemical components in the oil was similar to that of naturally grown 25-year-old and control medicines. . Therefore, with appropriate hormones to stimulate sandalwood, it is expected to produce high-quality sandalwood herbs in a short period of time. The wind-breaking tip stimulation can also cause incense to advance the incense of sandalwood. Its volatile oil indicators and thin-layer behavior in various parts are close to hormone-stimulated heartwood, but its volatile oil content is only about 1/2 of the latter.