
来源 :新课程(中学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lemayn
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现在的初中生物实验教学,大多是验证性实验,其实验的目的多数是在一个设计完整的实验框架范围内重复前人验证的结果,实验的结果都或多或少在设计者的预料之中,学生的思维和科学素养表现的机会很少。在生物教学实践中,教师完全可以根据现有的条件和学生实际的认知能力,有选择地将教材中的一部分验证性实验改为探究性实验,从而提高学生的探究能力,提高学生的生物科学素养。 The current junior high school biology experiment teaching, mostly confirmatory experiments, the purpose of the experiment most of the results in the design of a complete experimental framework to repeat the previous validation, the experimental results are more or less in the designer’s expected In the students’ thinking and scientific literacy, there are few opportunities for performance. In the practice of biology teaching, teachers can selectively change some of the confirmatory experiments in the teaching materials into exploratory experiments according to the existing conditions and students’ actual cognitive abilities, so as to improve students’ abilities of inquiry and students’ biology scientific ethics.
作为台湾女性主义文学的代表,女性主义是李昂思想的出发点和精神所在。本文拟从小说的文本出发,来分析李昂小说中的女性写作特征。   本文分三个部分阐述分析了李昂笔下的女