Identification of feeding stimulants for shrimp

来源 :海洋水产研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dvrgbedr544y4d
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Two experiments were conducted to screen 5’ inosine monophosphate,betaine,fish hydrolysate,TMA O and DMPT as feeding stimulants for shrimp.Feeding stimulants carrier was non attractive diet.The first experiment was conducted to observe the attractant response.The maximum attractant response was attained when the diet contained DMPT.The second experiment was to observe the effect of attractant on growth and FCR of shrimp.The maximum weight gain rate and the minimum FCR was attained when the diet contained DMPT. Two experiments were conducted to screen 5 ’inosine monophosphate, betaine, fish hydrolysate, TMA O and DMPT as feeding stimulants for shrimp. Feeding stimulants carrier was non attractive diet. The first experiment was conducted to observe the attractant response. The maximum attractant response was attained when the diet contained DMPT. The second experiment was to observe the effect of attractant on growth and FCR of shrimp. maximum weight gain rate and the minimum FCR was attained when the diet contained DMPT.
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原命题锐角三角形ABC的顶角A的内角平分线交BC于L,交三角形外接圆于N,过L分别作AB和AC边的垂线LK和LM,垂足为K、M.求证:四边形AKNM的面积等于△ABC的面积.(见图1) 这是一道
一、选择题(满分50分,每小题5分) (本题共有10个小题,每小题都给出了代号为A、B、C、D的四个答案,其中有一个且只有一个答案是正确的.请把你认为正确的那个答案的代号写在题
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