Objective To investigate the effect of hydrosalpinges on embryo impla ntation. Design Prospective study. Setting Private fertility and university hospitals. Pa tient(s) Eighteen patients with unilateral or bilateral hydrosalpinges who under went salpingectomy. Intervention(s) Pre-and posttreatment endometrial biopsies for immunohistochemical evaluation. Main outcome measure(s) Pre-and posttreatme nt lymphocyte populations in endometrial samples, evaluated by immunohistochemic al identification. Result(s) Endometrial samples from pretreatment exhibited sma ll lymphocytic clusters of CD3+, CD8+, CD4+, granzyme B positive, and CD56+. After salpingectomy, the numbers of cluster lesions were significantly decrease d. Conclusion( s) Because a characteristic distribution of lymphocytes in endome trium with hydrosalpinges was found, activation of T/NK (natural killer) lymphoc ytes in endometrium might be involved in the impairment of embryo implantation i n cases of hydrosalpinges.
Objective To investigate the effect of hydrosalpinges on embryo impla ntation. Design Prospective study. Setting Private fertility and university hospitals. Pa tient (s) Eighteen patients with unilateral or bilateral hydrosalpinges who under went salpingectomy. Intervention (s) Pre- and posttreatment endometrial biopsies for (s) Endometrial samples from pretreatment for sma ll lymphocytic clusters of CD3 +, CD8 +, CD4 +, granzyme B positive , and CD56 +. After salpingectomy, the numbers of cluster lesions were significant decrease d. Conclusion (s) Because a characteristic distribution of lymphocytes in endome trium with hydrosalpinges was found, activation of T / NK (natural killer) lymphoc ytes in endometrium might be involved in the impairment of embryo implantation in cases of hydrosalpinges.