Insiders once calculated the proportion of the cost of filming shot in recent years, and found that the overall domestic movie production is a loss of light compensation, and deteriorating: In 1995, if a movie was invested 200 million, can be recovered 180 Million in 1996 invested 2000000 yuan, 1500000 yuan can be recovered; in 1997 invested 2000000 yuan, can recover 1200000 yuan; and in 1998 invested 2000000 yuan, can recover 1000000 yuan, is really Wang Xiaolu New Year, One year less than a year. At present, there are about 100 domestic films put on the market each year, 70% of which are copyright and copying fees, 15% of them are flat, and only 15% of them can actually recover the cost and make a return. Some of these films rely on Red-headed documents, groups and other special packages made. That is, those so-called domestic movies stir hype, but also mostly difficult to recover the cost. Despite the loss of film production year after year, a compensable pay, but most of the production staff full belly fat, wealthy. A film studio director of the story had told the author: Do not look at the past few years the film production slump, and film producers (and excluding actors) are mostly “eat” a belly, “loading” A bag, plus a beautiful scenery