“你怎么又说谎了!”“说谎不是好孩子!”父母常常这样指责、告戒孩子。有些父母一听到孩子说谎便大发其火。那么我们为什么不去想一想,孩子为什么要说谎呢? 想象与现实混淆 一般来说,3~4岁或者更大一点的孩子,正是想象力迅速发展的年龄,他们常常以想象为伴,根据自己的愿望去幻想,以想象来代替现实。这个年龄段的孩子对各种事物都感兴趣,但由于生活经验少,缺乏知识,再加上记忆的不准确,想象往往容易受情绪的
“Why did you lie again!” “Lying is not a good boy!” Parents often accuse of this, tell their children. Some parents get angry when they hear the child lying. So why do not we think about it, why do children want to lie? Confusion between imagination and reality Generally speaking, children 3-4 years of age or older are exactly the age at which imagination develops rapidly. They often use imagination as a companion, According to their own wishes to fantasy, imagination to replace the reality. Children of this age group are interested in everything but due to lack of life experience, lack of knowledge, and inaccurate memory, imagination tends to be emotionally