地表的重力加速度在高中物理学习中,常常为了研究问题的方便而取10 m/s,这是在不考虑地球自转带来的影响时,由物体在地表所受万有引力与自身重力相等而得到的.那如果要求地面以下某处的重力加速度,又该怎样求解呢?下面以三道高考题举例说明.
The gravitational acceleration of the surface In high school physics study, often 10m / s is taken for the convenience of studying the problem, which is obtained from the gravitation of gravitation by the gravitation of the object on the surface without considering the influence of the Earth’s rotation How to solve the problem of gravitational acceleration somewhere below the ground? The following is an example of the three entrance exams.