1997年6月,160余位心理学者聚集在纽约Edith Macy会议中心,召开了一次学术研讨会。研讨会的题目是“非科学心理学──心理学研究的另一种声音”。与会者来自17个国家和地区,其中三分之一来自美国以外。研讨会所提出的“非科学心理学”并非是指没有科学性的心理学,而是相对于传统的强调实证研究的“科学心理学”而言的。长期以来,实证主义心理学的危机问题使心理学研究的多元化越来越成为心理学家必须面对的现实。了解“非科学的心理学”的立场和方法论,对于我们发展和完善社会心理学的方法论应当说是有启发意义的。
In June 1997, more than 160 psychologists gathered at the Edith Macy Convention Center in New York to hold a symposium. The topic of the seminar was “Non-Scientific Psychology - Another Voice of Psychological Research.” Participants came from 17 countries and a third of them came from outside the United States. The “non-scientific psychology” proposed by the symposium does not refer to scientific psychology but rather to the traditional “scientific psychology” that emphasizes empirical research. For a long time, the crisis of positivist psychology has made the diversification of psychology research more and more the reality that psychologists must face. Understanding the “non-scientific psychology” position and methodology is instructive for us to develop and improve the methodology of social psychology.