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利用格林函数方法量子化色散吸收介质中的电磁场,针对由三层色散吸收介质组成的一维光学系统,研究其中光场的量子理论,借助起伏耗散定理给出色散吸收介质光腔中光场量子起伏的功率谱,并通过数值计算结果分析和讨论介质的色散吸收性质对光学器件工作性能的影响。结果表明,系统的工作状态与所选光场频率密切相关,并且每一区域中介质的色散吸收性不但影响自身区域的电场起伏功率谱,而且明显地连带另一侧介质中电场起伏功率谱的变化行为。此结果对于研究复杂的介质分布与结构体系在光通信、现代光学工程、微波技术等领域中的实际应用有着重要的指导意义。 The Green’s function method is used to quantify the electromagnetic field in the dispersion absorbing medium. For the one-dimensional optical system composed of three-layer dispersion absorbing medium, the quantum theory of the light field is studied. The light field in the optical cavity of the dispersion absorbing medium Quantum fluctuations of the power spectrum, and through the numerical results of the analysis and discussion of the dispersion properties of the medium on the performance of optical devices. The results show that the working state of the system is closely related to the selected optical field frequency, and the dispersion absorptivity of the medium in each region not only affects the power fluctuation spectrum of the electric field in its own region, but also obviously relates to the fluctuation spectrum of the electric field in the medium on the other side Change behavior. This result is of great significance for the study of the practical application of complex medium distribution and structure system in the fields of optical communication, modern optical engineering and microwave technology.
青蛙  遇見了你  没有变成王子  因为你讨厌 青蛙的鼓唱  雨  浇冷了热情  只有在井底独自悲泣  羽毛令箭难挡实枪核弹  童话故事败死在现实铁蹄之下
“孺子牛”一词最早出现于《左传·哀公六年》。据《左传》记载,齐景公有个儿子叫孺子,齐景公非常疼爱他。有一次,齐景公和孺子在一起玩耍,作为一国之君竟然爬在地上,口里衔根绳子,让孺子把他当牛骑在背上玩耍。一不小心,孺子从“牛”背上掉了下来,齐景公衔在口里的绳子把自己的牙齿都折断了。所以齐景公的大臣鲍子便开玩笑说:“汝忘君之为孺子牛而折其齿乎?”  “孺子牛”的原意是表示父母对子女的过分疼爱。后来,鲁迅
新生儿溶血病(hemolytic disease of the newborn,HDN)是因母婴血型不合,母亲的血型抗体 IgG 通过胎盘引起的一种免疫溶血性疾病。多发生在胎儿和早期新生儿,常致早期流产,轻