
来源 :卫生研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzhijian
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目的对30名农村健康成人进行能量代谢及关键技术的测定,并同时对其进行双标水标定实验,获得中国北方农村成年男女不同体力活动水平的能量消耗量数据。方法选择符合纳入标准的30名北方农村健康成人为研究对象,男女各15名,严格控制实验条件,采用K4b2便携式心肺功能测定仪测量其基础代谢和7项体力活动(慢走、快走、慢跑、骑自行车、上下楼梯和看电视)的耗氧量(VO2)和二氧化碳生成量(VCO2),用微量凯式定氮法测量24小时尿氮,结合试验期间对象的体重变化,得到我国北方健康成人不同体力活动能量消耗的数据。结果各项体力活动平均能量消耗量(为:慢走平均耗能12.60±5.54,其中男性11.46±2.19,女性15.47±6.97;快走平均耗能20.79±10.46,其中男性15.95±3.59,女性25.33±12.70;慢跑平均耗能34.78±16.00,其中男性30.45±5.07,女性38.84±21.58;骑自行车平均耗能16.47±3.95,其中男性14.77±2.57,女性18.74±4.85;上楼梯平均耗能23.55±5.05,其中男性23.61±3.43,女性23.49±6.41;下楼梯平均耗能12.46±6.30,其中男性10.43±1.27,女性14.49±8.48;看电视平均耗能3.85±1.97,其中男性3.56±0.86,女性4.16±2.79。除上楼梯消耗能量大致相等外,按公斤体重计算,男性各项体力活动能量消耗量均低于女性P<0.05。结论对于农村健康成人来说,各种体力活动能量消耗差异较大,慢走、看电视、下楼梯属于低强度体力活动快走、骑自行车、上楼梯属于中强度体力活动,慢跑属于高强度体力活动。 Objective To measure the energy metabolism and key technologies of 30 healthy adults in rural areas. At the same time, double-labeled water calibration experiments were carried out to obtain energy consumption data of different physical activity levels of adults in northern rural China. Methods Thirty northern rural healthy adults who met the inclusion criteria were selected as study subjects and 15 were men and women. The experimental conditions were strictly controlled. The basal metabolism and seven physical activities were measured by K4b2 portable cardiopulmonary function tester (walking, walking, jogging, (VO2), and carbon dioxide (VCO2) production by walking, cycling, going up and down the stairs, and watching television. The 24-hour urinary nitrogen was measured by the micro-kjeldahl method and the body weight of the subjects in the north of China was obtained. Different physical activity energy consumption data. Results The average energy consumption of each physical activity ( was 12.60 ± 5.54, with a mean of 11.46 ± 2.19 for males and 15.47 ± 6.97 for females. The average energy consumption for quick-walking was 20.79 ± 10.46, The mean energy consumption of bicycle was 16.47 ± 3.95, including 14.77 ± 2.57 for males and 18.74 ± 4.85 for females. Among them, the average energy consumption of jogging was 34.78 ± 16.00, including 30.45 ± 5.07 males and 38.84 ± 21.58 females; The average energy consumption of the stairs was 23.55 ± 5.05, of which 23.61 ± 3.43 for males and 23.49 ± 6.41 for females; the average energy consumption of the stairs was 12.46 ± 6.30, of which 10.43 ± 1.27 for males and 14.49 ± 8.48 for females; and the mean energy consumption for watching television was 3.85 ± 1.97, Men 3.56 ± 0.86, women 4.16 ± 2.79. In addition to roughly the same energy consumption of stairs, in kilograms of body weight, the energy consumption of men’s physical activity are lower than the female P <0.05. Conclusion For rural healthy adults, energy expenditure varies greatly among various physical activities. Walking, watching TV and going down the stairs belong to the low-intensity physical activities, walking, cycling and going up the stairs belong to moderate-intensity physical activities. Jogging belongs to high-intensity physical activities .
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