陈云步入晚年后,每天坚持写大字,一方面锻炼身体,一方面陶冶性情。他经常写这样一个条幅:“个人名利淡如水,党的利益重如山。” 文如其人,字如其人。 他是这样写的,更是这样做的,身体力行,几十年如一日。 洞房里面上党课 陈云与于若木是在延安相识、相知、
Chen Yun into his later years, every day insist on writing characters, on the one hand exercise, on the one hand cultivate temperament. He often wrote such a banner: “The name of personal despise light, the party’s interests as heavy as mountains.” He wrote it this way. Even more, he did it in his own words, for decades. Inside the bridal chamber, Chen Yun and Yu Ruoci are acquainted with each other in Yan’an,