创办实体 自我发展

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洛川县是一个农业县,长期以来,水利建设受国家计划的调控,水商品观念淡薄,整个管理工作基本沿袭旧的模式,重建轻管,工程越修越多,包袱越背越重,成为家大业大负担大,充满希望却没有活为的行业。为了使水利部门步入自我发展,自我完善的新路子,从1988年开始,我县遵循因地制宜,突出重点,广开门路,分步实施的原则,借助以工代赈机遇,加快部门实体建设,推进机关内部改革。一是相继完成了县城给水工程和秦关、洪夫良、杨舒三处联饮工程。工程建成后,落实了编制,成立了机构,确定了人员,建立健全了各项规章制度,按成本核定和征收永费。二是承包和利用拓家河坝前荒峁地建成优质果园200亩;三是加强了第三产业建设,去年在西安市 Luochuan County is an agricultural county. For a long time, the construction of water conservancy has been regulated by the state planning and the concept of water commodities has been weak. The management has basically followed the old model and rebuilt the light pipe. As the project repairs more and more, the burden becomes heavier and heavier and becomes Big burden on big business, full of hope but no job for the industry. In order to get the water conservancy sector into a new path of self-development and self-improvement, starting from 1988, our county follows the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions, emphasizing priorities, opening up roads and implementing step by step. With the opportunity of work-relief programs, Promote the internal reform of the organ. First, one after another completed the county water supply works and Qin Guan, Hong Fu Liang, Yang Shu three joint drinking project. After the completion of the project, the establishment of the establishment, the establishment of an agency to determine the staff, establish and improve the rules and regulations, according to the cost of verification and collection of permanent fees. Second, the contractor and the use of Tujiajianba barren land to build high-quality orchards 200 acres; third is to strengthen the construction of the tertiary industry last year in Xi’an
1970年以来,我矿对轴流式通风机75千瓦电机的控制进行技术改造,将原来的就地操作、改为远距离极性控制,从而,取消了操作工人。经多年实践证明运行可靠、效果良好。 通风机是