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广播宣传如何发挥自身优势,为改革开放、振兴经济鼓劲加油,是我们正在着力探索的一个课题。过去,我们在贯彻落实党的“一个中心、两个基本点”的基本路线过程中,经济报道数量大约占整个报道70%左右,但引起听众注意的却不多。原因之一,就是报道零碎、打散锤,缺乏系统性和一定的声势、规模。针对这个问题,我们采取一个时期推出一个重点的战役性报道方法,使经济宣传的长期性和阶段性结合,有效地加大了经济宣传力度。去年,我们根据地委、行署的总体部署,结合我区区情,分阶段地突出抓了3次战役性报道。年初,我们集中搞了农业26项常规技术的推广和工业技术改造“857工程”宣传月活动。6、7月份,开展了“科技是第一生产力” How to give full play to its own advantages in radio and television broadcasting is an issue we are trying to explore in order to promote reform and opening up as well as rejuvenate the economy. In the past, in carrying out the basic line of “one center and two basic points” of our party, the number of economic reports accounts for about 70% of the total coverage, but not many people have noticed their attention. One of the reasons is the fragmentation of reports, the breaking up of hammers, the lack of systematicness and certain momentum and scale. In response to this issue, we have taken a period of time to launch a focused campaign reporting method, so that economic advocacy long-term and stage combination, effectively increasing economic propaganda efforts. Last year, according to the general arrangements of the prefectural and administrative departments and in combination with the regional conditions in our region, we staged three campaign reports staged in phases. In the beginning of the year, we concentrated on popularizing 26 conventional technologies in agriculture and propaganda month activities of “857 Project” for industrial transformation. June and July, carried out the “science and technology are primary productive forces”