By defining “evidence” as a term and tracing back the history of the interpretation of “evidence” in the common Chinese and Western dictionaries, it is concluded that both terms have the dual attributes of verbs and nouns in both Chinese and western languages. Instead of a single word form. Chinese emphasizes the alleged act (proof of activity), whereas Western focuses more on the nature of the allegation (obviousness). Until now, the Chinese-Western evidence terms basically reached agreement on what was externally visible. By analyzing the form of the explanation of evidence, we can see that because of the characteristics of the definition of the word and the true definition, the situation of the evidence and the historical interpretation, the evidence can only be recognized in the activity of evidence, so that the definition of evidence is largely transformed into The question of how to use (reference and expression) of evidence (sign), the degree to which a person’s cognition of the concept of evidence will define the degree of presentation of the concept of evidence.