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意大利的普布利诺(publino)坝是一座双曲拱坝,设计库容5百万方,最大坝高40米,坝顶长250米,坝顶高程2135米(见图1),上游坝面设有防冰装置。建于1951年,是一座用于发电和抽水的季调节性水库。1988年,普布利诺坝上游面大面积破坏。5500米~2的水泥抹面已有30%剥离。如果不采取补救措施,坝体的渗透会迅速增大。 (一)维修方法根据意大利国家电力局(ENEL)以前对重力坝维修方面所做的工作,决定用一种既可 The publino dam in Italy is a double-curvature arch dam with a design capacity of 5 million cubic meters and a maximum dam height of 40 meters. The crest of the dam is 250 meters long. The elevation of the crest is 2135 meters (see Figure 1) With ice protection. Built in 1951, it is a seasonal reservoir for power generation and pumping. In 1988, the upper stream of the Publino dam was extensively destroyed. 5500 m ~ 2 cement plaster has 30% peeled. If no remedial measures are taken, the infiltration of the dam body will rapidly increase. (A) Maintenance Method According to the previous work done by the Italian National Electric Power Authority (ENEL) on the maintenance of the gravity dam, it was decided to use either
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