前言 在布鲁克斯空军基地Armstrong实验室的计算机数据库中存放着1983年到现在的实验性低气压暴露数据,高空减压病(DCS)的漏报,有的在作战环境中被看出;有的在高空舱训练期间被怀疑。从而使这些来源所记录的DCS症状学的模式产生了偏见。Arm-
Preface An experimental hypobaric exposure data from 1983 up to the present, omissions of altitude airborne decompression sickness (DCS) were stored in a computerized database of Armstrong’s laboratory at Brooks AFB, some of which were seen in combat environments; High-altitude training during suspicion. Thus prejudicing the patterns of DCS symptomatology recorded by these sources. Arm-