大概是档案专业加文学爱好的缘故,我比较喜欢景点行业联,因为景点行业联有诗一般的对句,配以蛇走龙舞的书法,把建筑艺术或人间百业同文学艺术熔为一体,实属文化名胜之珍品,极具欣赏和收藏价值。于是,一有机会游览名胜或闲逛大街,便兜里揣个本子或脖上挂个相机,遇见好的景点行业联,及时地把它们录下。这一类的对联收集得多了,被其艺术和乐趣所感染,便有些自不量力,产生创作念头,为捕捉题材,常在一些景点、企业、单位面前凝眸而思,隅尔来了灵感。还真的被我拟成了对句。 在那史无前例的年代,我乘轮船沿长江而下,抵
Probably the archives professional plus literary hobby reasons, I prefer the attractions industry association, because the scenic industry association poem-like sentence, accompanied by snakes and dragon dance calligraphy, the art of architecture or the human world with literature and art melting as a whole, It is a cultural treasures, great appreciation and collection value. So, whenever there is a chance to visit the attractions or stroll the street, they pocket a book or pocket a camera in their pockets, meet good industry attractions, timely record them. This type of couplet collected much more, by its art and fun infected, there are some unscrupulous, creating creative ideas, in order to capture the theme, often in front of some attractions, businesses, units gaze and thinking, the souls of inspiration . Really I was prepared by the sentence. In that unprecedented period, I took a ship down the Yangtze River and arrived