电动叉车由于具有无污染、低噪声等显著优点,随着近年来全社会环保意识的增强,电动叉车技术得到了飞快的发展,产销量呈逐年上升的趋势。传统的电动叉车以直流电机驱动为主,近年以丰田为首的世界知名的叉车生产企业开始在电动叉车上用交流动力系统替代传统的直流驱动系统,开创了电动叉车技术的新时代。交流动力系统具有多种优势: 对操作命令反应迅速;动力控制准确;零部件安装尺寸小;电机无换向器和电刷,
Due to its remarkable advantages of pollution-free and low noise, electric forklift trucks have achieved rapid development with the increasing awareness of environmental protection in recent years. The production and sales volume has been increasing year by year. The traditional electric forklift driven by DC motor, led by Toyota in recent years, the world’s leading forklift manufacturers started on the electric forklift with AC power system to replace the traditional DC drive system, creating a new era of electric forklift technology. AC power system has many advantages: the operation of the command prompt response; accurate power control; small parts installation size; motor without commutator and brush,