A fundamental theorem for eco-environmental surface modelling and its applications

来源 :中国科学:地球科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmzhkj
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We propose a fundamental theorem for eco-environmental surface modelling (FTEEM) in order to apply it into the fields of ecology and environmental science more easily after the fundamental theorem for Earth's surface system modeling (FTESM).The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region is taken as a case area to conduct empirical studies of algorithms for spatial upscaling,spatial downscaling,spatial interpolation,data fusion and model-data assimilation,which are based on high accuracy surface modelling (HASM),corresponding with corollaries of FTEEM.The case studies demonstrate how eco-environmental surface modelling is substantially improved when both extrinsic and intrinsic information are used along with an appropriate method of HASM.Compared with classic algorithms,the HASM-based algorithm for spatial upscaling reduced the root-mean-square error of the BTH elevation surface by 9 m.The HASM-based algorithm for spatial downscaling reduced the relative error of future scenarios of annual mean temperature by 16%.The HASM-based algorithm for spatial interpolation reduced the relative error of change trend of annual mean precipitation by 0.2%.The HASM-based algorithm for data fusion reduced the relative error of change trend of annual mean temperature by 70%.The HASM-based algorithm for model-data assimilation reduced the relative error of carbon stocks by 40%.We propose five theoretical challenges and three application problems of HASM that need to be addressed to improve FTEEM.
<正> 本文主要分析14C液体闪烁测量中常遇到的闪烁溶剂与有机闪烁体(发光物质),并将我们测试情况作一介绍与论证,为从事这方面工作的同志,正确选择使用闪烁溶液创造条件。为了
【关键词】反复心脏骤停;治疗体会 文章编号:1004-7484(2013)-12-7025-01  1病例资料  患者,45岁,因晕厥1次,突发意识丧失1小时入院。  患者入院前1小时蹲位排便后于起立时,突然出现晕厥,呼之不应,继而出现意识不清,持续5分钟左右,并有尿失禁,被家人發现后由120车接来我院,既往无癫痫病史,无糖尿病史,无心脏病史,无脑卒中病史。查体:血压100/60mmHg,神清语明