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前不久,在北京定陵机场,国网通航公司召开2016年春季开飞动员大会。会后,新组建的18个机组随即奔赴各地执行直升机电力作业任务。这支电网“特种部队”平均年龄只有34岁,通过刻苦钻研直升机电力作业核心技术,苦练电网巡线基本功,工作范围已经不再是单纯的电网运维,而是逐步向应急救援、基建施工等领域拓展。今年,“特种部队”的任务 Not long ago, Ding Ling Airport in Beijing, China Netcom held the 2016 spring fly-mobilization meeting. After the meeting, the newly-built 18 units immediately went around to perform helicopter power operations. This power grid “Special Forces ” the average age of only 34 years old, by assiduously studying the core technology of helicopter power operations, train the basic skills of power line patrol, the scope of work is no longer a simple power grid operation and maintenance, but gradually to the emergency rescue, Infrastructure construction and other areas to expand. This year, “Special Forces ” mission
我原来是一块胖胖的橡皮,我的主人是一位普通的中学生。我的小主人每天带着我去上学,每当他写字、画图时出了错,他就会拿起我在纸上摩擦,我也顺从地在白纸上翻滚。不一会儿,那不和谐的铅笔字迹就消失得干干净净。我和主人配合默契,虽然每次修改都会磨损我,但我一点也不害怕,一点也不生气。我是那么胖的一块橡皮,我能陪伴主人的路还很长呢。只要能帮助到小主人,我很乐意磨损自己。  但是有一天,胖胖的我却突然变得纤瘦、