小儿颅脑外伤是较常见的疾病,其EEG与成人相比有其不同,EEG与临床并非一致,变化快为其特点,现将我院19例小儿颅脑损伤EEG改变作一报导。一、临床及脑电图资料 1.病例选择:19例8个月到14岁患儿,男15例,女4例,4~8岁8例,10~14岁10例,8个月1例。全部病例在伤前系健康儿童,因颅脑损伤而就诊,临床均有头痛、头晕(或呕吐)等症状,神经系统无阳性定位体征,神志均无障碍,头颅X线均未见异常。外伤
Pediatric traumatic brain injury is a more common disease, and its EEG is different from adults, EEG and clinical is not the same, rapid changes for its characteristics, now 19 cases of pediatric hospital traumatic brain injury EEG reported a change. First, clinical and EEG data 1. Case selection: 19 patients 8 months to 14 years old children, 15 males and 4 females, 4 to 8 years old in 8 cases, 10 to 14 years in 10 cases, 8 months 1 example. All cases were healthy children before the injury, due to head injury and treatment, clinical headache, dizziness (or vomiting) and other symptoms, the nervous system without positive positioning signs, consciousness are free from obstacles, skull X-ray showed no abnormalities. trauma