1 材料和方法 1.1 材料 1980/1999骨折和骨折术后应激性溃疡16例,其中男11例,女5例。年龄45岁~86岁,致伤原因为坠落伤和车祸事故,其中多发性骨折10例,骨盆骨折3例,股骨颈骨折2例,腰椎骨折合并不全截瘫1例,13例应激性溃疡由骨折引起,3例为骨折内固定术引起,16例中呕吐咖啡样胃液者10例,柏油样大便者6例,出现休克8例,血压偏低5例,出血发生于伤后或手术后2d~10d,出血量多少与病情转归无明显关系。 1.2 方法 16例中12例作纤维内镜检查均发现胃粘膜有多发浅表性糜烂出血点,其中3例胃小弯侧有较大溃烂,其中6例在出血停止后7d~10d再作内镜检查,见胃粘膜糜烂消失,3例于胃切除术中证实胃粘膜糜烂,病理报告糜烂面深及肌层。
1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials 1980/1999 fracture and fracture postoperative stress ulcer in 16 cases, 11 males and 5 females. Aged 45 years to 86 years old, the causes of injury were crashes and accidents, including 10 cases of multiple fractures, pelvic fracture in 3 cases, femoral neck fracture in 2 cases, lumbar fracture incomplete paraplegia in 1 case, 13 cases of stress ulcer by Fractures, 3 cases caused by fracture fixation, 16 cases of vomiting coffee-like gastric juice in 10 cases, asphalted stool in 6 cases, shock occurred in 8 cases, low blood pressure in 5 cases, bleeding occurred after injury or 2d after surgery ~ 10d, the amount of bleeding and prognosis of the disease no significant relationship. 1.2 Methods 12 cases of 16 cases of fiber endoscopy were found in gastric mucosal superficial erosive bleeding, of which 3 cases of gastric lesser curvature of the larger side, of which 6 cases stopped bleeding after 7d ~ 10d for internal Mirror examination, see the disappearance of gastric mucosal erosion, gastric gastrectomy in 3 cases of gastric mucosal erosion, pathological reports of erosion and deep myometrium.