The Lion King狮子王(五)

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  Part Ⅰ
  Narrator:At Pride Rock(荣耀岩,辛巴的故乡),things weren’t going well. Scar is getting mad,and the lions are dying without food.
  Scar:Where is your hunting party?
  Sarabi:Scar,there is no food. The herds have moved on.
  Scar:No,you’re just not working hard enough.
  Sarabi:It’s over. There is nothing left. We must leave!
  Scar:We’re not going anywhere. And I am the King.
  Sarabi:If you were half the king Mufasa was ...
  Scar:I’m ten time the kind Mufasa was! I am the King!
  Part Ⅱ
  Narrator:At that time,Simba comes back.
  Sarabi:Simba? You’re alive?
  Simba:It doesn’t matter. I’m home. And you’re no longer king anymore.
  Scar:But … they think I’m the king.
  Nala:No,we don’t. Simba is the king.
  Scar:Simba,if it weren’t for you,Mufasa would still be alive. It’s your fault.
  Sarabi:It’s not true!
  Simba:It’s true.
  Scar:You see! Murderer!
  Simba:No,I’m not a ... murderer.
  Scar:Oh,you are. Daddy isn’t here to save you.
  Narrator:Scar beats down Simba,and tells the truth.
  Scar:Hmm-hm. Let me think ... Oh yes,I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died. I killed Mufasa!
  Simba:Nooo!!!!!!!!... MURDERER!(In anger,he beats down Scar.)
  The End
  Narrator:Simba drives away Scar. All animals cheer and welcome their new King — Simba.
  亲爱的同学们,精彩的《狮子王》结束了,新的故事又将上演。新的一年到来了,你有什么样的新年愿望?你喜欢我们的“梦想剧场”吗?你是否也想登上我们的“梦想舞台”?如果你和你的同学也有这样精彩的表演,请把演出剧照和故事(剧本)发给我们吧!也欢迎老师们投稿!我们的邮箱:[email protected],等候你的来信哦。
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1 It was Bill’s first day at the nursery school. He cried his eyes out when his mother left.  比爾上幼儿园的第一天,当妈妈离开时他哭得很伤心。  2 Mother worried about Bill all day at work.  妈妈工作时一直在担心比尔。  3 However,Bill was