The Peacock and the Crow孔雀和乌鸦

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  A crow lived in the forest,and he was always happy.
  But one day,he saw a swan. He became unhappy.
  “You are so white. I’m so black. You must be the happiest bird in the world.”
  “I thought so before. But I saw a peacock. He has lots of colors. I think he is the happiest bird.”
  Then the crow went to visit a peacock in the zoo.
  “You are so beautiful. I think you are the happiest bird in the world.”
  “No,I’m not happy,because I can’t go out of the zoo. I want to be a crow just like you. Then I will be the happiest bird in the world.”
  1. crow 名词,乌鸦
  2. swan名词,天鹅
  3. unhappy形容词,不开心的
  4. happiest形容词,最开心的(happy的最高级)
  5. thought 动词,认为(think的过去式)
  6. peacock名词,孔雀
  7. just like you就像你一样
  Rrading Activities 阅读拓展
  A. The Little Match Girl B. Thumbelina
  C. The Little Mermaid D. The Emperor’s New Clothes
  答案:《卖火柴的小女孩》The Little Match Girl
  《皇帝的新装》The Emperor’s New Clothes
  《海的女兒》The Little Mermaid
  1. so表示“非常,很”。下面几个句子中的so,都是这个意思:
  You are so white/beautiful. 你很白/漂亮。
  I am so black. 我非常黑。
  I am so glad to see you!很高兴见到你!
  2. so用于省略,表示前面提到过的想法、行为、情况等,意思是“这样、如此”,常常跟在hope, think, say等动词后面。
  “I thought so before.”中的so就是这个意思。
  A:I think tomorrow will be a sunny day. 我觉得明天是个晴天。
  B:I hope so. 希望如此。
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