在今年的九月三十日——中华人民共和国诞生十二周年纪念日的前夕,《宁夏日报》以第一版整版的篇幅,刊载了毛主席亲笔题写的一首词——《清平乐》(六盘山)。在这首词的下面,《宁夏日报》加了一个《编者注》,全文如下: “这是伟大领袖毛主席应我区同志的请求而题写的词。我们看了毛主席的字,读了毛主席的词,心中感到格外的亲切和无尚的光荣。这首振奋人心、万户传颂的词——《清平乐》,原是一九三五年九月毛
On September 30 of this year - the eve of the 12th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Ningxia Daily published the first full-length version of Chairman Mao’s handwritten inscription “Qing Ping Le (Liupanshan). Below this poem, ”Ningxia Daily“ added an editorial note, which reads as follows: ”This is the title written by Chairman Mao, the great leader, at the request of our comrades.“ We read the words of Chairman Mao and read The words of Chairman Mao felt particularly warm and honorable in my heart.This song inspires people to praise the words - ”Qingping Le", which was originally September 1935 Mao