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  【摘 要】 以人为本,关心你的员工不只是管理手段,还是目的。企业管理一定不能忘记人文关怀。《荀子-议兵》中说:“爱民者强,不爱民者若;政令信者强,政令不信者弱;民齐者强,民不齐者弱”。意思就是,爱护人民的国家就强大,不爱护人民的国家就弱小;政令诚信的国家就强大,失信的国家就弱小;民心齐的国家就强大,人民不团结的国家就弱小。荀子告诉我们一个非常浅显的道理:若要强大则需要以人为本,得人心者得天下。援引到商业战场上,也是如此。
  Have you ever had any experience being a worker before? Have your family members ever had being a worker for a company? If we could know clearly about a worker who did some dangerous works, some heavy works or some low paid works. The companies never treats the workers well, they just wanted to earn more much money. What's more, the workers also had a long work time and low paid. So, how we can treat the problem about the companies and the workers? Should a company treat the workers as real people rather than work machine? That can be a big problem about the relationship between companies and workers now.I also want to know that how have companies treated their workers? To make sure should a company treat the workers as real people rather than work machine, we find that a company did not treat the workers well could cause terrible accident, while if the company treat the workers well can good for the company and the workers are the most important part in a company, and there still have some problems about workers' daily life.
  Workers are the most important part in a company
  Then, we must know that the workers are the most important part in a company. "According to Time, the Chinese Worker deserves the most credit in last year's economic growth and has helped China become the world's fastest-growing major economy and an economic stimulus for the rest of the world." ("Chinese Worker a Finalist for Time's Person of the Year 2009", )Form this report, we could know that Chinese workers had played a most important role in the past years, they made China developed fast and helped Chinese become rich than before. We must thanks the Chinese workers bring us so much values, and we also must clearly that the workers are the most important part in a company. No mater in the past or in the future, workers would play an important role, and the companies must recognize that treat the workers well is the companies' response. Only in this way can make the company more powerful. On the other hand, if the company wouldn't treat the workers well, the company will be closed soon. That's not a joke, that's a TRUE. So I want tell the companies that treating the workers well, if you are clever enough.
  The reality of China and world general situation apparently never divorced, at Deloitte for Chinese enterprises in the CEO survey, respondents generally felt that their present strategic issues at the head of the queue was derived from the three aspects of the challenge: corporate governance, well, can produce a good product, provide good service, in order to retain old customers, and to keep the old customers can guarantee business ultimate success.   Problems in workers' daily life
  However, there still have some problems
  about workers' daily life. For example, many workers thought they work too much "'If I take a shorter lunch break, maybe I can go home a little earlier,' Roberts said. But he admitted that almost never happens because of his workload. 'One can always dream.'there we could see that the workers wanted to have lunch quickly so that they can have a short work time. But in fact, this is no work to make the work time short as the lunch time is also very short. We would very sad to hear the workers said that"Workers say they take less time for lunch because of a change in their work environments, increased pressure to perform, a desire to get done with work early or that group work leaves little time to get individual work done.that means the workers will get more pressures if the companies still let the worked so much time, if they have lunch quickly just wanted to save time, the workers will be more tired about that, eating to quick will bad for the workers' health. That can be involved if the companies could think about the workers daily life.What's more, the workers not only had a long work time but also had a low paid. "One checkout clerk says he works 10-hour days, six days a week, with no overtime pay. When we hear that, we will be angry with the company.
  In daily life, whether you have it difficult to control your emotions, stress can't bear the situation? If there is, you are allowed to indulge, or control and communication? " Nine in ten unhappy life", in the fierce competition of the modern society, everyone must face from work, life, learning and emotional aspects of the pressure. Heavy pressure leads to undesirable mood, learning efficiency, reduced quality of life, and even lead to disease and other adverse consequences.
  Finally, I am very sad to saw that there also had many problems about the companies and the workers, this problem couldn't be solved soon. But from what I could find in the Internet or the books, I can make sure that the companies should treat their workers well, treat them as a real people not a work machines. Why I said that? Think about this, if the workers working a long time in a bad work place, and have a low paid for their work. How could they try there best to do the work? How could they have an enough power to do the work? How could they be benefit to the company? How could the company earn more much money? I wanted the companies know clearly that treat the workers well is to treat their company well. Workers are the most important part in a company and they can bring a lot of values to you if you treat them well. Even thought the machines are also needs time and money to take good care of it and so as the workers. In fact, the workers can work more effect than the machines.
  [1] Cohen, Randy,(2010).Working for Workers,The New York Times,pp.9-15
  [2] Edersheim, Elizabeth,(2007).The Definitive Drucker,MCGraw-Hill Press,pp.182-203
  [3] Newspaper Source. EBSCO,(2010)
  [4] Yang Hongjun,(2004)informal institu-
  tion and Research on corporate culture [ D]; Jilin University Press,pp.34
  [5] Zhou jing; analysis of the importance of the enterprise culture construction [J]; Heilongjiang science and technology information Press.
【摘 要】 作为招标领域的重大创新,电子化招标采购已经得到越来越多的认同。电子化招标采购本质上是电子商务在招标投标领域的有效应用。  信任机制的建立是电子商务发展的关键因素,只有在交易双方之间建立信任的基础上,电子商务交易才能得以有效实现。本文在对电子商务交易信任进行分析的基础上,对电子化招标采购参与方之间的交易信任机制进行了研究,并提出了影响电子商务交易信任的特征因素模型。  【关键词】 电子化
【摘 要】 中山市古镇是国内最大的灯饰生产基地和销售基地,被誉为“中国灯饰之都”。近年来该镇灯饰产品出口贸易取得了可喜成果,其总量呈现不断上升趋势,然而与此同时,其出口贸易的质量却不高,即在可喜的现状面前还存在着一些影响其出口向更高层次发展的劣势和不利方面。本文首先对中山灯饰产品出口贸易的现状及存在的问题进行分析,最后结合分析提出应对措施,从而为促进灯饰产品的出口贸易提供参考。  【关键词】 中山
【摘 要】 山区市实施绿色经济崛起与生态旅游开发密不可分,两者可起到互相促进的作用。生态旅游开发可促进绿色经济加速崛起,绿色经济崛起离不开生态旅游开发的参与。  【关键词】 生态旅游 绿色经济  1989年,英国环境经济学家皮尔斯出版了的《绿色经济蓝皮书》,首次提出了“绿色经济”的概念:从社会及其生态条件出发,建立一种“可承受的经济”。他认为是,一个国家不能盲目追求经济增长而造成生态危机,自然资
【摘 要】 温泉旅游已经成为休闲时代全球最受欢迎的康体活动之一。但目前大多数地方还保持在以洗浴为核心的传统温泉旅游度假的形式,温泉产品已经无法满足度假区的功能多元化要求。温泉度假旅游产品普遍存在产品结构单一、文化内涵不够、产品附加值低等一系列问题。温泉旅游产品必须由单纯的疗养服务向观光、休闲、度假、康体等多种功能为一体的综合性服务转变,才能适应这个行业发展的需要。开拓新型的温泉旅游产品也就成为各大
【摘 要】 随着现代企业管理水平的不断提升,对人力资源管理提出了新的更高要求,ERP人力资源系统的开发与应用,有助于优化人力资源管理流程,提高效率,分析ERP系统在企业人力资源管理过程中的应用及要求,总结ERP系统在人力资源管理中应用的重要作用。  【关键词】 人力资源 ERP系统 系统应用  1. ERP与人力资源管理  ERP是企业资源计划(Enterprise Resources Pla
【摘 要】 高等院校管理信息系统的建设与应用是高等教育信息化建设的一项重要内容,也是推进高等院校管理工作科学高效运行的重要辅助手段。本文选取苏州科技学院作为调查对象,分析了学校管理信息系统建设的现状、特点和存在的问题,并结合管理信息系统建设的有关理论和经验提出优化的建议。  【关键词】 高等院校 管理信息系统 分析报告  基于计算机和网络技术的管理信息系统在企业的管理活动中得到广泛的应用,且发
【摘 要】 全球经济一体化潮流下,日益开放的金融服务领域使中国银行业在入世后面对强大的外来竞争。中国金融体制改革正在走向深化,银行将面临新的挑战和竞争压力。因此搞好商业银行的人力资源管理,使其具有较强的竞争力,对中国银行业乃至整个国民经济的发展具有重大的现实意义。  【关键词】 银行 人力资源管理 发展对策  银行业是一个典型的知识密集型行业,现代化的人力资源管理制度对保持银行的人才竞争优势至
【摘 要】 与中国企业“走出去”越来越频密的步伐相呼应,大批有胆有志有识之士作为海外市场营销员活跃在世界经济舞台,成为企业进军国际市场的“尖兵”,在经济全球化的今天发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文作者结合自己在国外工作12年海外市场营销的经验,从海外市场营销人员所应具备的“基本素质”、“基本能力”两大方面入手,论述海外市场营销人员所应具备的基本条件,并希望对有关海外派员企业和已经或将要成为海外市场营销
【摘 要】 社会经济条件的变化对企业的经营活动开展提供了新的机遇,但同时也提出了新的挑战,这样就要求企业的经营模式、理念必须迅速做出反应,与外在的变化保持一致,及时进行改革。人力资源的管理与开发,是当前企业改革与发展所面临着的一个重要课题,要求从企业战经营战略的高度,从企业战略伙伴的角色出发,保障企业战略的有效实现。  【关键词】 新经济时代 知识型人才 人力资源 管理 开发  经济的最大
【摘 要】 课余体育锻炼对增强大学生体质,促进大学生心理健康,培养其形成良好的生活习惯,增强组织纪律性,加强精神文明建设,创建良好的学风和校风,养成自觉锻炼习惯,使学生终身受益都能起积极作用。所以,大学生课余体育锻炼进行如何,直接影响其未来身体健康状况,而且还影响其终身体育的实现。相关调查有助于学校体育教学和政策法规的制定。  【关键词】 河南省 普通高校大学生 课余体育锻炼  1. 研究对象