Scientific Interest of Social Behaviour in Animal Models of Human Diseases

来源 :神经系统科学与医药(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chad
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The overview shows that the scientific interest in social behaviour in mice has exponentially grown in the last two decades in parallel with advances in biotechnology and the emergence of genetically engineered mice. Most of the studies are psychopharmaco
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1 病例资料女,77岁。因发现甲状腺肿物2个月,门诊以“双侧结节性甲状腺肿(结甲)”收入院。平素无进食时吞咽不适感。查体:双侧甲状腺增大,右侧甲状腺可触及质硬结节,表面光滑,左侧甲