胡适是我国现代著名学者,在文学、哲学、史学、考据学、教育学、伦理学、红学等诸多领域都有深入的研究与独到的见解,获得荣誉博士学位35个,曾任北京大学校长、中国驻美大使等要职,因提倡白话文而成为“新文化运动”的领袖之一,1939年还获得诺贝尔文学奖的提名。胡适的聪明究竟是后天教育习得还是天生的结果 ?对于这个问题,我们不妨先回顾一下少年胡适的读书历程,再来作答。胡适1891年出生于上海,祖籍安徽绩溪。幼年丧父,由年轻的寡母一手抚养长大。胡适3岁多就进了老家绩溪的私塾读书,是当时班
Hu Shih is a famous modern scholar in China. He has in-depth research and unique insights in many fields such as literature, philosophy, history, textual research, education, ethics and Hongxue. He has obtained 35 honorary doctorates and was previously the president of Peking University. One of the leaders of the “New Culture Movement”, the Chinese Ambassador to the United States and other key posts for promoting vernacular, won the Nobel Prize in 1939 for nomination. Is Hu Shih’s cleverness a natural consequence of acquired education? For this question, we may wish to review the history of juvenile Hu Shi and come to answer it. Hu Shi was born in 1891 in Shanghai, native Anhui Jixi. Father lost his childhood, raised by the young widowed mother grew up. Hu Shi 3 years old into the home Jixi private school, was the class