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  【Abstract】“Body language”,like our verbal language,is also a part of our culture.But not all body language means the same thing in different cultures.Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication.In order to communicate effectively in a foreign language,one should know the meaning of gestures,body movements,manners,etc.that one wants to express.
  Some authorities feel that the two are dependent on each other.This is certainly true in most situations.But it is also true that in certain situations body action contradicts what is being said,just as the spoken words may mean something quite different from what body language communicates.When this occurs,one must try to get further information,or guess the meaning from the context of the situation.
  In a sense,all body language should be interpreted within a given context;to ignore the overall situation could be misleading.A comparative study of Chinese and American body language shows a number of similarities and diversities of body language.It shows the importance of knowing the specific gestures that go with a language.Observation shows that a truly bilingual person switches his body language as he switches languages.This makes communication easier and better.
  【Key words】Communication,Body language,Different cultures,Different ways
  Language is obviously essential for human beings,but it is not the whole story of human communication.Although we didn't realize it,our expression,gestures,body movements convey information to the people surrounding.Offering hands with smile means welcome.Frowning expresses dissatisfaction.Nodding shows agreement.Then waving hands denotes good-bye.This kind of voiceless language is called body language.People recognize the significance of body language,at least so do the Chinese and Americans.These moves are part of the means of communication,and a very common form of exchange.Proper uses of funds give people a deeper,more distinct impression.Good body language can not only express ideas clearly,but also give a good visual sense with an elegant and moving image.As the culture background and customs of each country are different,their body languages are different.
  1.1 Distance between people conversing.
  Different people have different ideas about the proper distance between people's conversing.According to studies,the American Anthropologist,Edward Hall,put Americans on different occasions for the purposes of language communication is summarized as four different distances in American social and business relations:intimate,personal,social,and public.
  Intimate distance is a close distance with the closest person,range from direct physical contact to a distance of about 45 centimeters;this is for the most private relations,between man and wife or love relationship.When strangers enter this field,they may have a strong psychological exclusion in response.Personal distance is about 45-80 centimeters,in another word,it's called arm's length.It's general acting on shaking hands with the other one but cannot touch other's body easily.It's usually between friends,acquaintances and relatives' conversing.That fits people who understands each other very much or gets along with another one very relaxed and comfortable.In some social occasions,people will use such distance in order to express some special affinity to each other.Social distance may be anywhere from about 1.30 meters to 3 meters.People who work together or do with business,as well as most of those in conversation at social gatherings tend to keep such a distance.Public distance is farther than any of the above,about 3.7 meters to 7.6 meters.It is often used in the public meetings distance,especially for orator and audience in the public speech or teachers in classrooms.
  In different cultural background,the criterion of interpersonal distance is different.But these are quite similar to China.As a matter of fact,if we think carefully,greater harmony in life is surely to establish on the proper contacts distance; however,interpersonal conflict are often from the very beginning of improper contacts distance.Thus,if we can use “language of distance” properly,then we can find a suitable location in the increasingly crowded earth and grasp the distance scientifically in an increasingly frequent interpersonal communication.
  1.2 Physical contact.
  In our daily life,the communicative behaviors on physical contact between persons mainly act in three aspects: intimate interaction,common interaction,and strange interaction.
  1.2.1 Intimate interaction:The Americans seldom shake hands when they meet or express their wishes.They just learn to shake hands powerfully or tightly since they were children.Hug and kiss are their most common communicative behaviors.They usually kiss their spouse and mother,sometimes,in the intimate female relatives,but seldom between the two men.But for Chinese,the hug is as if a slightly disliked courtesy between the people,we Chinese are not used to its solemnity and its intimacy.It seems that people can adapt to the traditional ritual which can express greeting simply much better.Therefore,you can only do it in Rome as Rome does.
  1.2.2 Common interaction:At present,the most common in international society is the hug,and kiss.But the Chinese people generally do not play this.For example,if it is a boy,when he meets a girl,they can shake hands to express “Hello!” At the farewell time,they can shake hands to express “Goodbye!” That is enough.
  1.2.3 Strange interaction:When we contact with strangers or someone we are not familiar with,shaking hands is very necessary.Shaking hands with several people have its rules.One is from higher status to lower status.Another is from near to far.The third is going forward in clockwise which is particular used on the banquet table in the social occasion.The time of shaking hands should not be too long or short.
  Different country has different custom and courtesy,as long as we have understood their difference and characteristic,we may establish the good relations with the Americans and learn their advanced technology.
  1.3 Eye contact.
  Eye contact is an important aspect of body language.One could draw up quite a list of “rules” about eye contact: to look or not to look; when to look and how long to look; who and who not to look at.These passages from the book Body Language are amusing,as well as informative:
  The author points out that with people who are unfamiliar: “We must void starring at them,yet we must also avoid ignoring them… We look at them long enough to make it quite clear that we see them,and then we immediately look away.Different rules for the exchange of glances are depending on where the meeting takes place.If you pass someone in the street,you may eye the oncoming person till you are about eight feet apart,then you must look away as you pass.Before the eight-foot distance is reached,each will signal in which direction he will pass.This is done with a brief look in that direction.Each will veer slightly,and the passing is done smoothly.”
  In conversations with people who know each other,however,American custom demands that there should be eye contact.This applies to both the speaker and the listener.For either one not to look at the other person could imply a number of things: fear,contempt,uneasiness,guilt,indifference.Even in public speaking,there should be plenty of eye contact.For a speaker to “burry his nose in his manuscript”,to read a speech instead of looking at and talking to the audience,as some Chinese speakers are in the habit of doing,would be regarded as inconsiderate and disrespectful.
  Rules about eye-language are numerous and complex.What has been mentioned gives a good idea of this; we shall not go further into detail.
  1.4 Gestures.
  Gestures transmit information through the upper arm especially hand.It's a kind of gestures which could perform strongly.Gestures can compensate for the lack of facial expression language and oral language.Gestures can help express special feelings properly.If someone abuses gestures subconsciously,he would probably make a misunderstanding with others.Gestures can be particularly troublesome,for a slight difference in making the gesture itself can mean something quite different from that intended.A wrong interpretation of a gesture can arouse quite unexpected reactions.
  Gestures are the most important components of body language.It's also the most important voiceless language.The same gesture in different countries or different ethnic groups might mean the same or similar thing,or maybe absolutely opposite.It exists everywhere and cannot be forgotten any time in our daily lives.Therefore,it was,is and will remain be an indispensable tool for people's contacts.
  2.The connection of body language and its meaning
  The comparison of Chinese and American body language shows a number of similarities.For example: men don't hug or embrace when they meet; a handshake is the most common gesture that goes with a greeting,waving a hand to say “goodbye” is the same; nodding means “yes”; and shaking one's head means “no”; pouting and frowning show displeasure,bad humor,resentment; a pat on the back of a man or boy indicates approval,praise,encouragement; gritting one's teeth may express anger,fury,or determination.
  The comparison of body language should be complementary to the study of language.The understanding of one should be helpful in the further understanding of the other.As we know that people actually use body languages at anytime and anywhere whether he is conscious or unconscious.We never really stop communication as we refer to the scope of the impact of nonverbal communication.How we walk,stand,how we use our hands,how we express our emotional feelings,all of these can send a message.That is why we can do as the common saying: Seeing a person is just like reading a book.
  [1] Fast,Julius.1971.Body Language .Pocket Books,N.Y.
  [2] Shen Minxian.1999.The Use of the Body Language in Elementary School.Shanghai Education Vol.12.
  [3]杨宏.《跨文化交际与外语教学》, 2005年9月第1版,西北农林科技大学出版社.
  [4] 欣悦.《妙用肢体语言》,2003年6月第一版,中国纺织出版社.
  [5] 赛弥•莫尔肖.《体态语言大全》,2005年3月第1版,同济大学出版社.
【摘要】考试成绩管理系统采用最新的ASP.net+ADO.net技术,SQL Server2000作为后台数据库,利用三层架构优化系统结构设计。该系统实现了对考试成绩的查询和统计,以此来分析教学策略,改善教学质量。  【关键词】ASP.net,SQL Server,三层架构,考试,管理系统    1.系统结构设计  等级考试管理系统旨在为高校学生计算机等级考试(CCT)、英语四等级考试(CET)等
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1.案例背景分析  学科:小学美术  课题:恐龙世界  年级:三年级  教材版本:人民美术出版社  姓名:王玉莲  性别:女  2.教学设计  2.1教学目标。  (1)显性内容与目标。  了解恐龙的相关知识,学习表现不同特点的恐龙并创设情景,培养学生准确的造型能力和丰富想象力。  (2)隐性内容与目标。  引导学生在小组学习探究中,相互交流,培养学生的合作、探究意识。  通过学习活动,培养学生热
新课程实施,教材容量扩充,使高中历史教学出现了课时偏少与教材内容增多的矛盾。如何提高高中历史课堂教学效率,高质量地完成教学任务,成为我们高中历史教师必须解决的问题之一。我认为只有认真研究教材和学生,针对不同的教学内容和学生特点采用不同的教学方法,做到“因材施教”,才能提高高中历史课堂教学效率,下面我就此谈一点心得体会。  1.创设问题情境法  创设问题情境法是指通过虚拟历史情境提出问题,引导学生主
【摘要】语文课堂教学的有效性是语文教学的生命,怎样提高课堂教学的有效性呢?本文从深入钻研课本,提高学生的语文素养;创设问题情境,激发学生探究的兴趣;把握学生思维发展的年龄特点,发展学生的智力三个方面探讨小学语文课堂教学的有效性。  【关键词】小学语文,课堂教学,有效性    语文课堂教学的有效性是语文教学的生命,而这生命能否得以延续,取决于教师是否能充分发掘学生的兴趣点,调动学生学习的主动性和积极