1898年 12月19日,诞生于浙江温州乘凉桥附近一座当时名为“盐公堂”的古老房子里。原籍福建省长乐县。 1917年夏季,毕业于浙江省立第十中学, 修完高中的全部学业。之后,前往北平,投靠叔父,12月考入北平铁路管理学校英文高等科 (北方交通大学的前身)。
December 19, 1898, was born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, near the alley at the time was called “Salt Hall” in the ancient house. Original Changle County, Fujian Province. In the summer of 1917, graduated from the tenth provincial high school in Zhejiang Province, completed all high school studies. After that, he went to Peking to join his uncle and was admitted to Peking Senior Management College English Department (predecessor of Northern Jiaotong University) in December.