Holly Wakes Early 霍莉早起的一天

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  One morning in January, Holly Hedgehog1’s clock rang2. BRIIIING!“Is it spring3 now?” asked Grandma. She slept into her bed of dry leaves4. Holly looked around. It was dark in their house. BRIIIING! Could it be? “Ha-ha! Spring at last!” shouted Holly. Spring was the best part5 of the year!“Go,” said Grandma. “I’ll be there soon.” Then she turned over and started sleeping. Holly could not wait. “Flowers!” she said, as she went across dry leaves. “Butterflies!” she sang. “Green trees! White clouds! Spring!” She was almost in the outside world. Holly moved her nose out of leaves.
  一月的一天早上,刺猬霍莉的鬧钟响了。叮铃铃铃!“春天来了吗?”奶奶一边问,一边睡进她的干树叶床里。霍莉向四周望了望,她们的屋子里黑黢黢的。叮铃铃铃!会是春天吗?“哈哈!春天最后还是来了啊!”霍莉大声喊。春天是一年中最好的时候!“去吧。”奶奶说,“我马上就来。”接着她翻了个身,开始沉睡,霍莉等不及了。“花儿!”她一边叫着一边穿过干树叶。“蝴蝶!” 她唱了出来,“绿油油的树!雪白的云朵!春天啊!”她几乎完全身处外面的世界了。她耸动着鼻子,从树叶中探了出来。
  The air was fine, and clean, and... cold? Holly moved her head up into the garden6. She couldn’t believe7 her eyes. There were no green trees. The garden was dressed in a white quilt. There were no flowers and no butterflies. Cute things flew quietly in the air. Holly climbed out of the hole. She shivered8. This wasn’t the Terrible Part of the year, was it?
  Grandma always said,“There are four parts of the year, Holly—Spring, Summer, Fall9, and the Terrible Part, when the world turns cold and looks bad, and the air is like fox10 teeth. At the Terrible Part of the year, there is nothing to do but sleep. When it arrives, we hedgehogs find a warm place in the brown, nice leaves and keep curly until Spring.”
  Holly looked around the garden. It was under the sunshine. Each tree sparkled11. This couldn’t be what Grandma talked about. It didn’t look bad—it was beautiful! Sparkling! Great! And cold. Holly shivered. Should she go across the hole and came back under the nice leaves?
  Just then, she saw something as red as strawberries fly across the white garden. The red thing squeaked12,“Is that you, Holly?” It was Milton Mouse. He was dressed all in red and was jumping across the garden. “Yeah!” Milton shouted and jumped up and down. “All my friends are still in bed—but you are not!” “Why aren’t you sleeping, too?” “And miss this?” said Milton, “This is my favorite part of the year!” He took off his red sweater and put it on Holly. He put his red hat on her head. It has a lot of warm hair. Holly felt warm and happy.   就在这时,她看见一个像草莓一样红的东西从白色的花园里飞过。红色的东西吱吱地叫道:“是你吗,霍莉?”原来是老鼠弥尔顿。他全身裹着红色的衣服,在花园里蹦蹦跳跳。弥尔顿上蹿下跳地喊道:“耶!除了你,我所有的朋友都还在睡觉!”“你怎么也不睡觉?” “睡觉不会错过这个吗?”弥尔顿说:“这是我一年中最喜欢的时候!”他脱下红毛衣,给霍莉穿上,又把他的红帽子戴在她的头上。这帽子全是温暖的毛,霍莉感到温暖和快乐。
  Milton jumped across the garden again and walked into a hole in a tree. Soon he jumped out. He wore a new sweater and hat. They were green as leaves. “Come on!” he shouted. Holly followed Milton down the hill13. It was hard to walk in the white things and suddenly14—Oh!She slipped15!Holly made herself16 curly into a ball, but the white things was slippery and she began turning up and down faster and faster. Then she got more of it along the way. Oh! She flew over a tree. “Dear,” whooped17 Holly. She looked down, “The river! I wish I was still sleeping in the brown, nice leaves!”
  弥尔顿又穿过花园,钻进了树洞里。很快他跳了出來,穿着新毛衣,戴着帽子。它们像树叶一样绿。 “来吧!”他喊道。霍莉跟着弥尔顿下了山。在白色物体中行走很困难,突然——哦!她滑了一跤!霍莉卷曲着,像一个球。但白色的东西很滑,她开始翻滚得越来越快,于是一路上她沾到了更多白色的东西。哦!她飞过了一颗树。“亲爱的,”霍莉高喊道。她往下一看,“一条河!我多么希望此时我仍在那些棕色舒服的树叶里睡觉啊!”
  Just as she was wishing hedgehogs could swim, she landed18. She didn’t fly into the water, but arrived at the other side of the river. Why? Holly got a surprise. Whoops! Milton ran across the river. “Are you OK?” he asked. When Holly said yes, Milton looked at the river. “See!The water is frozen19! I told you this part of the year is the best!” Milton said. He showed Holly how to skate across the ice. Holly slipped again. But at last she learnt it. It was great!
   Now Holly didn’t feel cold as before. She sat down near the river and ate four red berries, cold and delicious as ice-cream. Milton said, “Come on! There’s more!” Milton found a big piece20 of tree bark21. He brought it to the head of a hill. Then he sat in the front. “Jump on, Holly!” WOW! The friends flew down the hill. Holly never moved so fast in her life before. The wind blew. The air tasted cold and delicious. Oh! They went faster! Holly felt like a flying animal! After they landed, they walk down the bark and laughed. They sat down and watched the white and cute things. These things flew quietly in the air.
  “What are they?” asked Holly. “Snowflakes22,” Milton said. One landed on Holly’s face. It melted23 quickly. “What a fun part of the year,” said Holly. “Not terrible at all.” “It’s the best,” Milton said. “What is it called?” “Winter,” Milton said. “It’s called Winter.” Winter. Holly numbered snowflakes, each one cute, each one a part of the loveliest part of the year.
  “它们是什么?”霍莉问。“雪花。”弥尔顿说。一片雪花落在霍莉的脸上,它立刻融化了。“这是一年中多么有趣的一段时光啊,”霍莉感叹道:“一点也不糟糕。”“这是最好的。”弥尔顿附和。“它叫什么名字?” “冬天。”弥尔顿回答。“它的名字是冬天。”冬天。霍莉数着雪花,每一朵都很可爱,每一朵都是一年中最美好季节的一部分。
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