Stability-Controllable Second-Order Difference\\rScheme for Convection Term

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h565739
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A new finite difference scheme-SCSD scheme has been proposed based on CD (Central Difference)scheme and SUD (Secondr-order Upwind Difference) scheme. Its basic feature is controIlable convectivesfability and always second-order accuracy (Stability-Controllable Second-order Difference ). It hasbeen proven that this scheme is convective-stable if the grid Peclet number .The advanage of this new scheme has been discussed based on the modified wavenumber analysis byusing Fourier transform. This scheme has been applied to the 2-D incompressible convective-diffusiveequation and 2-D compressible Euler equation, and corresponding finite difference equations have beenderived. Numerical examples of 1-D Burgers equation and 2-D transport equation have been presentedto show its good accuracy and controllable convective stability A new finite difference scheme-SCSD scheme has been proposed based on CD (Central Difference) scheme and SUD (Secondr-order Upwind Difference) scheme. Its basic feature is controlable convectivesfability and always second-order accuracy (Stability-Controllable Second- This has has been applied to the 2-D incompressible convective-stable method. Numerical examples of 1-D Burgers equation and 2-D transport equation have been presented to show its good accuracy and controllable convective stability
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