Why the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Has Disappointed

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THE Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect,the system by which Hong Kong investors can buy China’s mainland shares and vice versa,has so far not lived up to certain public expressions of“great expectations”which surrounded its launch in November 2014.At that time some media commentators said this was the most important development in Asian shares for decades.Such expectations did not materialize.When it came to the Connect’s practical operation,Reuters found,reviewing the situation one month after its starting date:“Under the scheme,the daily limit on investment bound for Shanghai is RMB 13 billion(US$2.1 billion)and for Hong Kong-bound investment it is RMB 10.5 billion. THE Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, the system by which Hong Kong investors can buy China’s mainland shares and vice versa, has so not not lived up to certain public expressions of ”great expectations “ which surrounded its launch in November 2014.At that time some media commentators said this was the most important development in Asian shares for decades.Such expectations did not materialize.When it came to the Connect’s practical operation, Reuters found, reviewing the situation one month after its starting date: ”Under the scheme, the daily limit on investment bound for Shanghai is RMB 13 billion (US $ 2.1 billion) and for Hong Kong-bound investment it is RMB 10.5 billion.
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