Yi Xianrong:
Since the start of the global financial crisis, the Chinese Govern-ment has adopted an appropriately loose monetary policy to en-sure economic recovery. Now, a shift to prudent measures meansthe end of the monetary policy adopted at an abnormal time (fromNovember of 2008 to October of 2010). It is a significant adiust-ment in monetary policy. It shows the country's determination tobetter manage liquidity to promote the transformation of the na-tional growth model and economic restructuring. the move willhelp maintain financial stability and stabilize the general pricelevel as well as effectively rein in inflation and the rapid rises inproperty prices.
Since the start of the global financial crisis, the Chinese Govern-ment has adopted an appropriately loose monetary policy to en-sure economic recovery. Now, a shift to prudent measures meansthe end of the monetary policy adopted at an abnormal time (fromNovember of 2008 to October of 2010). It is a significant adiust-ment in monetary policy. It shows the country's determination tobetter manage liquidity to promote the transformation of the na-tional growth model and economic restructuring. the move willhelp maintain financial stability and stabilize the general pricelevel as well as effectively rein in inflation and the rapid rises inproperty prices.