The Translation of Academic Article in International Relations

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donggua_dg
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Special terms frequently occur in the literature of International Relations and they have their special and exact meanings, but due to the lack of special knowledge and culture differences, translators often find it very difficult to translate them from one language into another. They translators make mistakes and they may give a wrong idea which in far away from the original one, thus causing a lot of troubles to all the people concerned in the field of international relations. In this paper, only a few examples are given to show clearly the various causes of the translation failures and the good methods translators can use to deal with the translation of these special terms in the literature of international relations. Based on the knowledge and theories I have leant in mu school, I have generalized the translation principle, which, I am sure, will help to improve the translation of these special terms greatly. Special terms frequently occur in the literature of International Relations and they have their special and exact meanings, but due to the lack of special knowledge and culture differences, translators often find it very difficult to translate them from one language into another. They translators make mistakes and that may give a wrong idea which in far away from the original one, thus causing a lot of troubles to all the people concerned in the field of international relations. In this paper, only a few examples are given to show clearly the various causes of the translation failures and the good methods translators can use to deal with the translation of these special terms in the literature of international relations. Based on the knowledge and theories I have leant in mu school, I have generalized the translation principle, which, I am sure, will help to improve the translation of these special terms greatly.
【摘 要】语文探究性阅读教学是一种化被动接受为主动探讨、化知识注入为思想沟通、化单向吸收为多方面交流的阅读教学,它注重学生质疑及探究能力的培养。本文探讨分析了如何在高中语文教学中开展探究性阅读教学。  【关键词】新课改 语文 探究性阅读教学 对策  语文探究性阅读教学是提倡课内自主研读、合作研读、延伸拓展研读,并结合课后反思阅读,注重课堂教学空间的开放性、情景的创造性和课堂语言交流的多边多向性的教